ImaSpin® Genomic DNA Extraction Kit –Tissue & Swab & Forensic samples
For extraction of genomic DNA from a variety to animal tissues, blood spots, feed-soil Sample, cigarette butts, hair roots, chewing gum, buccal swabs, betel nut residue, stool sample, saliva, sputum specimens, and cultured yeast.
Functional Test Data
Genomic DNA from a variety of tissue samples was extracted using the ImaSpin® Genomic DNA Extraction Kit –Tissue & Swab & Forensic samples. The purified genomic DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis on a 1 % agarose gel.
M = 1 Kb DNA Ladder
1 = Rat tail 0.5 cm
2 = Mouse liver 10mg
3 = Mouse spleen 10mg
4 = Mouse heart 10mg
5 = Mouse Kidney 10mg
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