ImaBeads® Genomic DNA Kit -Tissue / Blood
For purification of genomic DNA from a variety to animal tissues, blood spots, feed-soil Sample, cigarette butts, hair roots, chewing gum, buccal swabs, betel nut residue, stool sample, saliva, sputum specimens, bacteria and cultured yeast.
Functional Test Data
Fig. Genomic DNA extraction from mouse tissues.
Genomic DNA from a variety of tissue samples was extracted using the ImaBeads® Genomic DNA Extraction Kit –Tissue. The purified genomic DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis on a 1.2 % agarose gel.
1 = Mouse spleen 10mg
2 = Mouse heart 10mg
3 = Rat tail 10mg
4 = Mouse liver 10mg
5 = Mouse Kidney 10mg
M = 1 Kb DNA Ladder
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