
Genomic DNA

ImaBeads® Genomic DNA Kit -Tissue / Blood

For purification of genomic DNA from a variety to animal tissues, blood spots, feed-soil Sample, cigarette butts, hair roots, chewing gum, buccal swabs, betel nut residue, stool sample, saliva, sputum specimens, bacteria and cultured yeast.





  • Rapid purification of high-quality and high yields, ready-to-use DNA
  • No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation
  • Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors for reliable results





  • ICGT Buffer
  • ICGL Buffer
  • ICGB Buffer
  • IBW1 Buffer
  • IW2 Buffer (Add Ethanol)
  • Elution Buffer
  • Proteinase K (Add PK Storage Buffer)
  • PK Storage Buffer
  • ImaBeads - 01

Functional Test Data

Fig. Genomic DNA extraction from mouse tissues.

Genomic DNA from a variety of tissue samples was extracted using the ImaBeads® Genomic DNA Extraction Kit –Tissue. The purified genomic DNA was analyzed by electrophoresis on a 1.2 % agarose gel.
1 = Mouse spleen 10mg

2 = Mouse heart 10mg

3 = Rat tail 10mg

4 = Mouse liver 10mg

5 = Mouse Kidney 10mg

M = 1 Kb DNA Ladder